“中国早期录音的‘反哺归家’/repatriation :历史与意义”国际音响档案工作坊将于2017年11月9日至11日在上海音乐学院举办。此次工作坊由上海音乐学院贺绿汀中国音乐高等研究院、上海音乐学院“中国仪式音乐研究中心”、上海高峰高原学科建设“中国生态音乐学团队”联合主办,由香港蓬瀛道教音乐研究基金协办。
The workshop “Repatriation of Early Sound Recordings Made in China: History and Meaning” will be hold from 9-11 November, 2017 at Shanghai Conservatory of Music. We will invite the scholars and experts from British Library, Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv, National Archive of Australia (Sydney) , National Ethnographic Museum (Osaka) , UCLA , China Culture Ministry Ethnic Folk Arts and Development Center, Taiwan Normal University and Shanghai Conservatory of Music.
The workshop is to raise awareness of early sound recordings, their history in the context of diverse cultures, social changes, and ethnic dynamics. Early recordings, often being products of planned or accidental efforts in making use of a new mobility and technology, challenge the view on cultural achievements in many ways.
With the help of yet another, more recent set of technological tools, geographical, as well as social insights gained through manifold cultural and anthropological analyses, these early sound recordings also change their meanings in the places from where they originated. These individually and culturally diverse meanings call for a more detailed understanding of history and circumstances, technology and social challenges.
Though today, the repatriation of sound recordings could be easily undertaken via digitized files sent through the world-wide-web, the physical dimension in the process of exchange is more than a technological necessity, it is a cultural embodiment of moving items that carry intangible knowledge. The meaning of this embodiment is to be discussed as it will contribute to the understanding of social dynamics in a global context that embraces individuality and cultural diversity.
The following questions roughly draft the contents of the workshop :
How important are early sound recordings made in China for the understanding of Chinese history?
What is the meaning of repatriation and providing physical accessibility of early recordings in times of digitization?
Which experiences were made in comparable situations and how can lessons from challenges be applied to the context of early recordings made in China?
As an outcome of this workshop, an exemplary repatriation of early recordings made in China beginning of the 20th century will take place, being well documented and published nationwide via available media.
The workshop will be open to the public. Thanks for the attention!
图1.1920年代的中亚录音场景(图片来自Susanne Ziegler: Die Wachszylinder des Berliner Phonogramm-Archivs)