Daoist Music Research and Daoist Music in Hong Kong


CAO Benye 

      The term, tao, has several kinds of explanations. On the one hand, it refers to Taoism, a kind of philosophy, or a group of scholars who believe in Taoist philosophy; on the other, it also refers to an existing religion. The scope encompassed by the latter is quite broad, from alchemy to the thinking and obeying of sages’ teachings, etc.; in addition, it also involves numerous kinds of exorcisms and rituals for blessing and prevention of disasters. Despite how these Taoist activities might appear, their ritual sequences are not only similar, but they are unified in their source in all things yin and yang and in their purpose of obtaining immortality and protection through the “tao”.  As a kind of locally bred and traditional form of Chinese religion and philosophy, “Tao” has played an important role in the lives of many Chinese for more than one thousand eight hundred years.