A summary of the course “Theory and Method of Ethnomusicology(3)――A Secular Sermon for Those of the Ethnomusicological Faith”, delivered by Professor Cao Benye




List, George. 1983. “A Secular Sermon for Those of the Ethnomusicological Faith.”  Ethnomusicology 27/2: 175-186.  



作者简介:乔治李斯特(George List)是民族音乐学领域中的领军人物,民俗学和民族音乐学的荣誉教授、档案学家、翻译家、编辑、作曲家、指挥、长笛演奏家、舞蹈编导。他曾经担任印第安纳大学传统音乐档案室主任长达二十年。他在66岁的时候双目失明,但是他仍然写作了很多期刊论文和评论,也出版了包括了《哥伦比亚村庄中的是个和音乐:一种三重文化的遗产》Music and Poetry in a Colombian Village: A Tri-Cultural Heritage在内的多部专著。  




        一、 布道(基于培根的论述展开讨论)  

        二、  清单:世俗的布道   






List的写作,基于Roger BaconOpus Majus 当中的如下论述:  


第一,服从脆弱的和不足道的权威;submission to fragile or unworthy authority   

第二,习惯的影响;influence of custom  

第三,对学科意义的片面性理解;imperfection of undisciplined senses  

第四,通过卖弄表面的学识掩盖实质上的无知。concealment of ignorance through ostentation of seeming wisdom  

1. 服从脆弱的或不足道的权威  



List指出另外一个观点,就是认为那些经常在文章或者专著中引用率高的学者是学术权威。然而,现在的世界比13世纪培根的时候变化要迅速的多。在民族音乐学和比较音乐学的研究历史中,我们经常听到von Hornbostel, Sachs, Kodaly, Roberts, Herzog,等人的名字。今天这些权威的文论很少被引用,虽然他们的书写很适合今天的环境。我们应该将他们视为脆弱的权威吗?List并不这样认为。  


2. 习惯的影响the influence of custom  


List结合他自己和加勒比海岸地区的乡下报告人共事的遭遇展开了论述。他的报告人提供的信息经常被修饰,来证明他们各自的身份。比如,每个marimbero (player of the musical bow)都宣称过去他曾经组织一个包括鼓和伴舞的乐队。这样的宣称看起来似乎是荒唐的,因为他们所使用的mouth bow 能演奏的曲调很微弱。它的声音会被鼓的声音完全淹没。每当被提问,他的报告人当中也没有一个能够回忆起曾经看到或者听到过包括musical bow和鼓的乐队。  


3. 片面的未经训练的观念  












其一:In the auditory mode interpreters react to denotata through the retrieval of stored  iconic  images  as  referents  for  culturally  framed  synchronic  and diachronic signsymbol action.  

其二:At a more communicative level of discourse this signifies: When performers and audience are familiar with the type of music being performed, both draw upon their memories to relate what is heard at the moment to what has been heard previously and to what is likely to be heard  later.   




























Structure of the Article  



n          The 4 “original sins”  

u        submission to fragile or unworthy authority  

u        influence of custom  

u        imperfection of undisciplined senses  

u        concealment of ignorance through ostentation of seeming wisdom  

Benedictus (Conclusion)    





p. 175  

The Society 【指的是美国的民族音乐学学会】 is divided into at least two major creeds, the musicological and the anthropological, and possibly into a third which I might term bi-musicality. 【指Hood的阵营,但我不同意ListHood视为第三种取向。】 In addition, there are numerous cults. Of these I might mention the structuralists, the semioticists, the cognitionists, the symbolic interactionists, and, more recently, the devotees of ethnic identity. Then there are the communicants. 【把这些称为“cults”(风尚)是有讥讽的贬意的。确实,美国民族音乐学总是跟随着人类学的一些动向(而且总是落在后面的跟随),一时换一个样。】 In a sermon I should think it legitimate to thus refer to the followers of communication theory. I should add one other, the eventementialists (Stone 1979:3). I have adapted this term from the historians. It refers to a study which focuses on events, in the case of ethnomusicology on musical events.   

p. 176  

The Society for Ethnomusicology...is not officially a religious body. Nevertheless, most of its members have faiththat ethnomusicological studies are of some social value. 【民族音乐学信奉学科的作为是有社会价值的。但我要问的是,真的吗?对谁有用?】 This faith may or may not be justified, List说:这种信奉可能是合理的,但也可能并不合理。这,回答了我刚才的问题。】   


n          The 4 “original sins”  

The text for my discourse is taken from Part I, Chapter 1 of Opus Majus by Roger Bacon. Bacon writes as follow:  

Now there are four chief obstacles, four stumbling blocks to the grasping of truth which hinder any man, no matter how learned, and scarcely allow anyone a clear title to learning, namely: One, submission to fragile or unworthy authority【盲目跟随】; two, the influence of custom【受习俗或主流气候的摆布】; three, the imperfection of undisciplined senses【训练不足】; and four, concealment of ignorance through ostentation of seeming wisdom.【不懂装懂、故作玄意】 【糟糕,这四种罪,凡是学者的都犯了!】  

这是作者提供的原文出处:The version offered here is a selection from and a combination of two different translations of this section of Opus Majus. Those who wish to consult the original Latin are referred to John Henry Bridges, ed., The Opus Majus of Roger Bacon,   London  , Williams and Norgate, 1900, vol. 1, p. 2.  

Before expatiating on my text I perhaps should examine a little more closely our goal, truth. Roger Bacon was a scholar, a scientist, and a monk who lived in the thirteenth century. He was one of the first great empiricists and helped to establish the foundations of modern scientific thinking. Nevertheless, Bacons view of the truth and the contemporary view of the truth are quite dissimilar. As we now know it, truthis a relative matter. 【这又回到影子真像/真理这一问题了】 We are not even sure that the physical laws developed by the hard sciences will always remain constant. We are even less sure that any conclusions developed concerning the behavior of homosapiens will remain unmodified. 【影子永远只是真像/真理的射影;真像/真理只有一个(也即是我所谓的),但它有多重影子(我所谓的)。】  

u        submission to fragile or unworthy authority  

p. 177  

Bacons first stumbling block is submission to fragile or unworthy authority. What is authority in ethnomusicology? How do we know when scholarship is fragile or unworthy or the reverse? We might throw light on the subject by examining how one becomes an authority. Many take the cynical viewthat one becomes an authority by publishing a large body of material. At the other end of the spectrum are those who have not published in quantity but who are known for the originality of their approach, the utility of the methods they have devised, for special insights, or for other qualitative aspects of scholarship. I should find the latter more worthy than the former….  

In the study of the history of ethnomusicology and comparative musicology we hear of von Hornbostel, Sachs, Kodaly, Roberts, Herzog, and others. These authorities are rarely cited today although some of what they have written is quite applicable to present-day circumstances. Should we then look upon them as fragile authorities? I do not think so. 【美国学界不提或低调化欧洲的成果和贡献是别有用意的。】there is an unfortunate tendency to dismiss the old as being merely of historical importance and to welcome the new merely because of its novelty. 【请同学阅读黄翔鹏音乐学在新学潮流中的颠簸??王光祈先生诞生百周年随想录;他也在文章中责疑新的是否一定好过旧的。而且,我想问,所谓新的,是真正的吗?】 The urge to be au courant 【法文:跟随潮流】 is very great.  

The old authorities are not fragile just because of their age. They are not unworthy just because they are not read. sound scholarship can only be based on a healthy skepticism. It must be based on a careful scrutiny and assessment of what is read no matter by whom written.   

u        influence of custom  

p. 179  

Now I turn to Bacons second stumbling block to truth, the influence of custom. Our work is affected both by our own customs and by those of our informants.  

Our sensitivity to the cultural values held by our informants must at times be enlarged to accept their criticism of the values we hold or the values they think we hold.  

u        imperfection of undisciplined senses  

p. 180  

We now come to Bacons third stumbling block to the truth, the imperfection of undisciplined senses. In field work both observation and hearing must be disciplined. This is not only to guarantee accuracy but to assurethat the cultural background of the investigator does not interfere with his understanding of the behavioral framework in which his informants are operative.  

u        concealment of ignorance through ostentation of seeming wisdom  

p. 182  

I now consider Bacons fourth and last stumbling block to the grasping of the truth, concealment of ignorance through ostentation of seeming wisdom. The first half of this statement was easier to apply in the thirteenth century. Today knowledge is so vast that it is impossible not to be ignorant in certain matters. It is difficult to determine what a particular scholar, in a particular situation, and with a particular interest should or should not know. However, I should like to offer the iconoclastic view that it is dangerous for a scholar to read and know too much. I believe this destroys creativity. 【这个我很同意,使我联想到有的学生,他们特别喜欢在图书馆和网上找书和论文,看了很多的书,学科内的或其他学科的都看,并以此为荣。多看书当然是好事,表示了学生的用功。但我发现,每当他们在看某一类书的时候,他们的思维和说话就给书中的所说而影响,今天说这本书一下点通了他们所有的困扰,明天又说另一本书写得太了不起了老是在不同学科、学派和观念之间摇摆不定,结果实自己越搞越糊涂。如果你们发现有这种情况出现在你们的身上,我要劝告你们:书一段时间,给自己时间静思所看过的书里真正说了些什么。用你们的智慧去辨别,你们会发现,书虽多,但它们所讲的东西(真理)却没几条。】 The mind may be so stuffed with the thoughts of others that there is no room left for the development of new ones. Ignorance may not be the mother of invention but at times she may be a very useful handmaiden. 【傻人有傻福啊】 The second half of Bacons statement, ostentation of seeming wisdom, is indeed rife among us. When it occurs, there is the suspicion not of the concealment of ignorance but of the desire to impress rather than to convey. 【故作玄虚】Often such ostentation takes the form of jargon. 【同学们注意了,这类所谓的民族音乐学者无论是在西方还是中国都有。他们写的文章,自创性的名词和术语特多,似乎只有这样才是理论,是学术,是与众不同的民族音乐学。】 Indeed, at times scholars seem to be speaking in tongues.  

p. 184  

the invention of new terms is not at times a necessity. But each new term should be clearly and carefully defined for the reader. To do otherwise is to be ostentatious.  

The root cause for the overly luxuriant growth of terminology is the present tendency to emphasize theory at the expense of data. As more and more interest is vouchsafed in what the members of the culture think and feel rather than in what they do, this is the natural result. 【这是人类学偏执的学者把音乐等同为文化、把文化只着重于“conceptualization”过程时的危险。音乐是文化的一部分(文化中含有音乐,或文化中音乐),但音乐不就等同文化。这是层次与平置在概念上的根本不同!层次,而不是平置,是在学科定位和理论方法运用等方面必须拥有的基本立场。】 Concepts, attitudes, and feelings are much more difficult to quantify than sound phenomena. 【比较音乐学的学者一早便清楚这个问题,所以他们选择的切入点是能控制的音乐现象(音乐的形态)。所以有学者认为,虽然北美民族音乐学自认科学客观,但与比较音乐学时期就能控制音乐现象作为研究焦点的选择来比,后者更为客观。(Ringer 1991)】   

Like other fashions, those in scholarship change and move in cycles. 【一场场的时装表演】 There is hope, I believe, that we may in the future return to the more onerous, but I believe the more rewarding, task of collecting masses of data, of submitting this data to rigorous classification and analysis, and of deriving our theories and conclusions therefrom.   


Benedictus (Conclusion)    

pp. 184 ? 185  

strive in our scholarship to present the truth as we see it…remain unimpressed by authority as suchjudge what is written and saidnot accept it merely because of its source…read and learn whatever is necessary to our scholarly purposes but attempt to leave our imaginations unfetteredeschew ostentation and present vocabularic fashion and prove that we have something genuine to say by communicating it in reasonably clear and nonorchidaceous English 【我劝诫学生的讲人话,别讲鬼话....