A summary of the course“Theory and Method of Ethnomusicology(2)――Methodological Problems in Slovak Ethnomusicology”, delivered by Professor Cao Benye


Elschek, Oskár. 1966. “Methodological Problems in Slovak Ethnomusicology.” Ethnomusicology 10: 191-198.


主讲:潘妍娜  专业:传统音乐


l        Introduction

l        一、资料

l        二、译谱和电子测量法

l        三、分析和分类

l        四、具体的研究












1)地方的调查。这个任务是在这个地区的选择的点中把握所有风格层的数据,1956-1965间,几乎遍及斯洛伐克的整个地区 。这种行动的主要目标是为了斯洛伐克民间音乐的方言区别获得证据。




在方法和技术方面最复杂的收集工作是和乐器、乐器音乐和舞蹈相联系的。 所以需要借用一些专业设备:有声影片、多频道的录音机或并联录音机。以这样一种方式我们得到了为了记谱而设计的具体的分析录音。






    电子测量装置:复和弦、音生成器和闪光测速仪。这些测量装置仅仅为了静态的测量。作者还提到了西格的melograph 。这些仪器得出的结果作为物理现象他们是客观的,但一个音乐的记谱必须考虑到记谱者知觉的客观。我们理解一种精确地科学的现象的记谱不是整体等同于物理的、听觉的客观性,因为我们不得不考虑到心里听觉标准,因为修改时在感知期间发生或者来源于一种功能的、语义的转换,这种修改在民间音乐材料的音乐记谱中不可避免的被表达。这种语义的修改超出了这些仪器的能力并且因此melograms的客观性是相对的。音乐的记谱必须从对录音的主题,他们的精神生理转换,同melograms的视角版本的比较和对比中产生。



1、  分析

1)      分析目标:

a)        发展一个分析的体系----形成合适的民族音乐学的音乐理论的构造,与普遍的音乐理论相关和相联系。

b)        深入正在研究的音乐的结构的分析尽头。

c)        为了研究斯洛伐克民间音乐制定一套适合的分析体系----跨文化的比较,对其他欧洲音乐的分析和评估。

d)       提出某种选择性的分析体----应用各种固定的研究任务。

e)        为了旋律的必要的分类----获得适当的分析数据。

f)         使我们能够在格式标准的帮助下为我们的材料解决某种遗传的,历史的和音乐辨证问题。















a) 9个阶段分类:1、音调,2、旋律片段的数字,3、音节结构的类型,4、音节的数量,56,小节的类型和构成,7、在单一旋律的片段中小节的构成,89 ,在小节中节奏时值的分配

b) 使用五种元素变体分类的类型:1、旋律片段的数量,2、小节的构成,3、在单一旋律的片段中小节的构成,4、节奏的音,5、旋律的开始。作者提到如此多的同时的分类体系的使用不可能掌握传统的手工的和视角的过程。因此在这种分类工作中我们使用穿孔卡片机器代替麻烦的目录。




119世纪后半叶:斯洛伐克民间音乐的观察开始; 由作曲家和音乐家开始于所谓的和声的观点;这是一种更功利的而不是一种学术的兴趣(注:19世纪下半叶,正是欧洲音乐史上民族主义兴起的年代,作为作曲家和音乐家对民间音乐的关注,往往不是出于学术的目的而是为了在创作中寻找一种民间风味,所以此处作者认为是功利的)。1860年代的工作专注于斯洛伐克Matica” 一战后,除了斯洛伐克Matica”,民俗学家和民间歌曲国家协会合作收集歌曲出版。他们很少致力于理论和描述的研究。












p. 191

Ethnomusicology as a systematic scientific branch 【典型的欧洲用词】 engaged in research in the field of folk music, mainly with European, but also with the non-European musical cultures, 【注意这个很有趣的对民族音乐学的定义】arose in Slovakia in the proper sense of the word after the Second World War. Work was concentrated in two problems: 1) Investigations of Slovak folk music; 2) the solution of general, above all methodical, problems of ethnomusicology. 【下一段所提及的“methodical”问题,都是操作性的,与美国学者的抽象考虑很不一样】

The second problem had to be solved in order sufficiently to overcome the first one. Problems of method appeared in all fields of research, as in documentation (the system of field work) as well as in the evaluation of the material (transcribing, laboratory measurements), in its essential elaboration (cataloguing, analysis, classification) and theoretical work, without omitting comparative, music-theoretical and style-critical studies. 【这些是Slovac学者当时所关注的、认为是重要的问题】It was essential to solve the main methodical questions, because they had to form this new field of research, because on them depended upon what theoretical foundations it would develop.

p. 192

Systematic work in documentation means not only a purposeful and deliberate manner of field work, but also keeping a uniform working procedure in a series of expeditions, which enable us within the framework of the problem solved to apply also a uniform homogeneous method of evaluating the gathered material. 【操作方法的一致,为比较评估之基础】

The most characteristic types of such systematic expeditions undertaken in Slovakia are as follows:

1. The regional survey. This has as its task to seize essential data about all the style strata in the selected points of the region … each sample containing between 50 and 100 melodies … in … almost the whole territory of Slovakia, especially such territories from which this fundamental information was lacking. The main aim of this action was to gain evidence for the dialectical differentiations of Slovak folk music.

2. A monographic local investigation has to make possible a relatively exhaustive stylistic and typological analysis of the repertory of a single village….

3. Regional, monographic research has to enable us to give about the investigated region (prevailingly a complex of about 100-250 communities) a complete picture of history, development and function of the musical styles in use. This involves a typological evaluation 【收集、整理、比较分析】 of 3000-4000 melodies….

4. Special, thematic investigations follow the distribution and existence of certain phenomena e.g., 【典型的“musicological”工作】the most simple melodic structures, the technique of polyphonic performance, types of flutes without finger-holes, etc. This type of field work is the most problematic and already assumes a preliminary synthesis of the problem undergoing research.

In terms of methodology and technique the most complicated collecting work is connected with musical instruments, instrumental music and dance.


p. 193

Only this visual form of folk music manifestations enables us to evaluate them in a satisfactory way, to arrange the analytical work, classification, comparison and musico-stylistic characterization. 【统计是一个重要手段,在比较音乐学、民族音乐学中有实用价值】

pp. 194 – 195

With analysis and classification begins the process proper of the scientific investigation of the material. In post-war Slovak research, greatest attention has been devoted to the solving of this problem, and experimental work in the field of analysis and classification required more than ten years, as the work for the first stage was completed in 1964….

p. 195

Our system of analysis differentiates categories of pitch and categories of time. Each of these categories is built up in its progression from individual elements to more general criteria. For example, the components of time have this succession: type of form, number of form sections, number of motives, type of rhythm, rhythmic form, metric construction, division of syllables, absolute and relative tempo. Here are joined several elements: form, measure, rhythm, tempo. The elements of frequency move from tonality, mode, range, melodic line to the composition of intervals. The total of the analyzed data involves forty elements. From this data were arranged several types of analytical systems:

1. Identificational analysis (7 essential data-tonelity, form, cadential tones, syllabic structure and measures, rhythmic and formal characteristicand four special data for classification).

2. Typological analysis (with 12 analytical data).

3. Complex analysis (with 40 elements).

4. Classification analysis (5 data).

The classification fully depends on the character of the musical analysis of the musical material …. With classification ends the last stage of the basic evaluation of the material and its thorough study and theoretical evaluation begin…. our demands on the system of classification … had to help us to solve these aims:

1. To make it possible to differentiate the musical material in terms of style and melodic typology; 【旋律典型】

2. To provide data about typological and variantal relationships;【典型与变体】

3. To provide support for interregional and interethnic comparisons. 【跨地域性和跨民族比较研究】

p. 197

In 1950 in the Slovak Academy of Sciences there was founded the Institute of Musicology in which was established a Department of Ethnomusicology 【民族音乐学是音乐学的支系】which began to act as a center of research. In this institution also was established the central archives of Slovak folk music with extensive collections of Non-European music cultures. These archives became the foundations of research primarily directed toward stylistic criticism and comparison.

In these studies there is assumed the following historical, genetic scheme of Slovak folk music:

1. Magic-ritual style stratum, moving in its structure between recited and third-tonal melodic types (marked according to the interval building its tonal frame and centre).

2. Peasant culture (fourth-tonal melodic compositions).

3. Shepherds style strata (fifth-tonal musical styles which were developed between the 14th and 18th centuries).

4. New music culture (with harmonic features penetrating into our folk music from the early 17th century).
