A summary of the course“Theory and Method of Ethnomusicology(2)――Special Topic: Musicology~Comparative Musicology~Ethnomusicology”, delivered by Professor Cao Benye



Special Topic: Musicology~Comparative Musicology~Ethnomusicology












考核方法:(1)课堂参与和讨论 – 40 ;(2)阅读分析报告 – 60



(1)    阅读分析——主讲者对文章的“述”和“评”

l          “述”:作者、文章背景;文章主旨;文章结构及其要点;内容简述

l          “评”:文章的意义和说服力(依据、思维逻辑等方面)

l          主讲者对文章所说的联想

(2)    每个同学必须在课前仔细阅读将会讨论的文章,并积极参与该文章的堂上讨论

(3)    课堂时间分配(预计参考):阅读分析主讲40分钟(PowerPoint);堂上讨论30分钟;老师点评60分钟

(4)    主讲者除了评述受指派的文章以外,须为该文章的堂上讨论做记录,连同阅读分析一并整理妥当,用��面形式提交给任课老评核。





200810 – 11月(上学期)


I.  The Discipline


1.            Guido Adlers The Scope, Method, and Aim of Musicology" (1885): An English Translation with an Historico-Analytical Commentary,” translated by Erica Mugglestone.  Yearbook for Traditional Music 13 (1981): 1-21.

2.            Seeger, Charles. 1977. “Introduction: Systematic (Synchronic) and Historical (Diachronic) Orientations in Musicology. In Studies in Musicology 1935 – 1975. Berkeley Los Angeles: University of California Press. 1 – 15


II.          The History

3.            Nettl, Bruno. 1973. “Comparison and Comparative Method in Ethnomusicology.” Anuario Interamericano de Investigacion Musical, Vol. 9. (1973), pp. 148-161.

4.            Bohlman, Philip V. 1988. Traditional Music and Cultural Identity: Persistent Paradigm in the History of Ethnomusicology.” Yearbook for Traditional Music 20: 26-42.


III.             Americans vs. Europeans

5.            Christensen, Dieter. 1988. “The International Folk Music Council and The Americans: On the Effects of Stereotypes on the Institutionalization of Ethnomusicology.” Yearbook for Traditional Music 20: 11-18.

6.            Nettl, Bruno. 1988. “The IFMC/ICTM and the Development of Ethnomusicology in the United States.” Yearbook for Traditional Music 20: 19-25.


IV.             Ethnomusicology in North America: Historical Reflections

7.            Alan P. Merriam, Alan P. 1969. “Ethnomusicology Revisited.” Ethnomusicology, Vol. 13, No. 2: 213-229.

8.            Nettl, Bruno. 1989. “Mozart and the Ethnomusicological Study of Western Culture (An Essay in Four Movements).” Yearbook for Traditional Music 21: 1-16.

9.            _______. 1998. “Arrows and Circles: An Anniversary Talk about Fifty Years of ICTM and the Study of Traditional Music.” Yearbook for Traditional Music 30: 1-11.


V.                Ethnomusicology in Europe, Africa and Asia

10.        Koudal, Jens Henrik. 1993. “Ethnomusicology and Folk Music Research in Denmark.” Yearbook for Traditional Music 25: 100-125.

11.        Michel, Andreas. 1987. “The Development of Ethnomusicology in the German Democratic Republic. An Overview.” Yearbook for Traditional Music 19: 171-186.

12.        Moisala, Pirkko. 1994. “The Wide Field of Finnish Ethnomusicology.” Ethnomusicology 38: 417-422.

13.        Elschek, Oskár. 1966. “Methodological Problems in Slovak Ethnomusicology.” Ethnomusicology 10: 191-198.

14.        Czekanowska, Anna. 1986. “The Teaching of Ethnomusicology in Poland: Experiences and Prospects.” Acta Musicologica 58/1: 24-35.