A summary of the course “Theory and Method of Ethnomusicology――Transcription and Analysis”(10), delivered by Professor Cao Benye









10Frigyesi, Judit. 1993. “Preliminary Thoughts toward the Study of Music without Clear Beat: The Example of ‘Flowing Rhythm in Jueish Nusah,” Asian Music XXIV (2): 59-88.
















因此,就自由节奏这个术语而言,是存在着很多问题的,而真正对于该术语的混乱是来自于自由的(free这个词的使用。我们很容易将自由节奏free rhythm)(它是指没有清晰节拍的节奏结构)和节奏的自由rhythmic freedom)(它是指创作或演奏习俗的节奏使用手段约束的自由)混淆。“nonmetric”的称谓也会引起误解,因为它意味着某些东西的缺乏和一些偏离了正常的东西。基于以上的论述和考虑,作者建议将流动节奏flowing rhythm)作为一个术语考虑(以代替前面相关的自由节奏的称谓)。














l           文章在前言部分,谈的是西方概念里的节奏自由和节奏自由性的问题。接下来,作者提出其问题;第二部分讲的是节奏同自由节奏之间定义的问题,一是乐谱与演奏的关系——即书写同口传的关系;二是西方对于节奏性的概念;三是犹太教仪式唱诵中“free rhythm”中节奏和语言的关系;然后作者提出了自己的用词“flowing rhythm”(流动节奏);接着用此来解释犹太教仪式唱诵的结构。文章最后是小结,没有真正的结论。


l               Western interest and concept on free rhythm

l               Questions involved in the concept of free rhythm

Metric and Free Rhythm: Problems of Definition and Study (Issues of rhythm and rhythmic theory)

l               Score vs performing tradition: written vs oral: theory of Western music vs oral traditions of non-Western music

l               Western concept of metricity

l               Free rhythm

l               Improvisation

l               Rhythm and speech

l               Free rhythm, rhythmic freedom, nonmetric, & flowing rhythm

Flowing Rhythm in Music Outside of the Western Tradition: the Case of Jewish Music

l               Flowing rhythm in nusah of Jewish music

Concluding Remarks


l           按上列的文章结构,以下是曹老师希望同学在各节中注意的段落:  

Metric and Free Rhythm: Problems of Definition and Study (Issues of rhythm and rhythmic theory)

此段书写颇为长气,所说实际便是C. Seeger早已提出的有关记谱之prescriptive and descriptive 问题。

p. 60

New results and novel approaches notwithstanding, the underlying premise of rhythmic analysis did not change: theories of rhythm continue to be based on notation, that is, on visual representation of rhythmic structures…The discrepancy between score and performing tradition has always been a known fact of the Western tradition. The knowledge of how the score should be executed according to the given genre, form, and style has been transmitted from teacher to student, from generation to generation.

It can be said, then, that the manner of translating the visual signs into an auditory experience…is the oral tradition of Western music…. Actual rhythm is inconceivable outside of the auditory sphere…. As performers and composers seek repeatedly to base the unique and transforming nature of the musical experience upon the schematic visual signs, so they reveal at the same time how doomed to inadequacy such a system is.

p. 61

At the same time and seemingly as a contradiction, it was a consensus for centuries that notation, however imperfect it might have been, represented nevertheless all essential aspects of the musical composition. There was remarkably little fundamental development in notation since the Baroque era until very recent times….

We are dealing here with something that could be called “suggestive” notation. Its performing practice relies on a complex oral tradition which includes teachings about the structure of the piece as well as those about the proper execution of the structure.

p. 62

…methodological difference: in Western music, theories may choose to deal with the interpretation of rhythmic structures which had been by and large agreed upon (and represented in the notation) whereas, in the oral tradition, the interpretation cannot be based on a similarly clear consensus.


l           Western concept of metricity

p. 63

…there is a consensus about what constitutes metricity. It is generally agreed that in metric music we sense a series of regularly recurring beats which normally appear on more than one hierarchical level. The perception of meter involves an awareness of the regular grouping of various metric accents, of the recurrences of relatively accented and unaccented beats…. the meter is a continuous, underlying element of musical temporality….

       The metric structure is essentially an abstraction: the performance always deviates from the imaginary, exactly regular beats…. In a sense, all metric rhythms are a kind of giusto or rubato.

l           Free rhythm

p. 64

…opposite of metric rhythm, free rhythm (or non-metric rhythm) would imply a rhythmic structure in which no periodicity whatsoever is perceivable. In reality, such rhythmic progression is extremely rare…. The difficulty lies in the fact that although most of the so-called free rhythms are not entirely metric, they are not entirely free either….

l           Improvisation

p. 65

It is important to dispel the generally held notion that nonmetric rhythm necessarily implies improvisation. There is no reason to assume that lack of metricity results from the freedom of the performance, to equate the absence of regular beat with the absence of a clearly defined and culturally bound style. The connection between rhythmic freedom and improvisation is by no means so straightforward: patterns of free rhythm can be entirely fixed and, vice versa, metric music can be improvised as well. Certain free rhythm genres are not improvisatory at all, and almost all of them, even the fully improvised ones, follow a traditionally accepted framework within which the original ideas of the individual performer are realized.

l           Rhythm and speech

l           Free rhythm, rhythmic freedom, nonmetric, & flowing rhythm

pp. 66 – 67

The term "free rhythm" therefore proves to be problematic…. It is not entirely acceptable even in its narrower sense, meaning “free of regular beat,” since in most cases there is some kind of beat present in the performance…. The real confusion…results from the fact that the word “free” cannot be divorced from its colloquial meaning, its allusion to “freedom” in a more general sense. It is only too easy to confuse “free rhythm” -- that is, rhythmic structure without clear beat -- with “rhythmic freedom” -- that is, rhythmic device free of constraints of compositional or performing conventions…. The designation “nonmetric” is equally misleading for it implies the “lack” of something, some deviation from the “normal”…. it would be better to dispense with either the terms “free” or “nonmetric”: I suggest “flowing rhythm” as a tentative term.

Flowing Rhythm in Music Outside of the Western Tradition: the Case of Jewish Music

l           Flowing rhythm in nusah of Jewish music

p. 77

       As we have seen, the melodic and structural features of the nusah are realized through their interrelatedness to rhythm. What is transmitted as the “traditional way of reciting” is not merely a melodic framework but a complex stylistic entity that includes structural principles and various aspects of rhythmic and performing style all of which together define the boundaries of nusah. There are no general rules regarding the fixed and free elements; what is personal choice in one case, may be part of the definition of the nusah in another. Among the flowing rhythm styles of Jewish music that is, all the genres of sacred readings… the nusah is the most flexible, allowing for improvisation and personal expression. But however flexible the nusah may be, its stylistic boundaries are clearly defined: it is always in flowing rhythm and complies melodically and rhythmically with that complex system that the word nusah itself refers to. Rhythmically, individual expression manifests itself within the boundaries of flowing rhythm, through subtle differences of the rhythmic style.

此处所说,类同我所用的“fixity” and “flexibility”——定与活,或固定与非固定两极变量思维。

Concluding Remarks

p. 78

       Most musical repertoires, ...metric or in “free rhythm,” consist…of a variety of distinct rhythmic styles whose individual character is often immediately apparent to both performer and listener. These rhythmic subtleties have been handed down from generation to generation, … an inseparable part of the Great tradition, no less important than tonal structures. The rhythmic structure that manifests itself in an individual performance is rarely entirely improvised… musicians conform to pre-existent types and styles of rhythm as much as they follow melodic styles and types, and the rhythmic style is often crucial in defining genres, types, and categories of music.